Wheel Talk

#37 - Kiln Venting... Becca explains what not to do....

Ryan Durbin & Becca Otis Episode 37

Ryan & Becca get into all the details about kiln venting. They share how they've vented (or not vented) their kilns over the years and options you have in your own studio. There are a range of options from cheap do-it-yourself to more professional set-ups. Either way you go, we highly recommend venting your kiln in some way. They also share their process for opening their bisque & glaze kilns after firing. Check out the resources below that we reference during this episode. Stick around to the end for some 'heated' discussion between Ryan & Becca about Ryan's inconsistent kiln temperatures from top to bottom.

Kiln Venting References:
Kiln Vent Guide: How & Why to Vent Your Kiln (Ceramic Arts Network)
DIY Downdraft Vent

Listener Questions
On this episode:
What's the best clay for hand building and which is best for throwing?

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