Wheel Talk

#59 - Hustling Online with Andrew Fegler from That's So Andrew

Ryan Durbin & Becca Otis Episode 59

On this episode, Ryan & Becca have a conversation with Andrew Fegler, the solo small business owner of That's So Andrew. Our discussion is driven mostly from a listener question related to how to use Instagram & Facebook for marketing. There is so much that goes into marketing period and social media marketing is a new world of its own, with each platform having unique pros & cons. Andrew shares some great insights how he uses Instagram & Facebook separately to grow his brand and make sales. We also dig more into how Andrew leverages his private Facebook group to keep in touch with his biggest fans.

We finish up the conversation about efficient shipping workflows, how to pack well, shipping prices by weight, etc. Thanks to Andrew for joining us.

Find more about Andrew's work here:
- @thatssoandrew_
Website - https://thatssoandrew.com/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thatssoandrew/
Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/354630515003382/

We hope to bring you more of these interview style episodes in the future as we hang out with other makers inside and outside of the clay medium. Thanks for joining us and we would love to hear your feedback or who we should interview next!

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