Wheel Talk

#108 - Finding your market with Isaac Shue

Ryan Durbin & Becca Otis Episode 108

Ryan & Becca chat with their good friend Isaac Shue, a former high school teacher to full time ceramic artist. Isaac runs Gallery Mostaza, a curated selection of their handmade pottery and other local makers, with his wife Karina in Harper, Kansas. They cover many topics on today's episode including: transitioning from teaching to making pots full time, renovating a new gallery space, finding products that work for different platforms, evolving your own style, working with decals, social media upkeep, and more gems that you'll be sure to enjoy. Thanks for joining us Isaac!

-----Find more about Isaac's business below-----
Isaac Shue
Instagram - @isaacshueisart
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/isceramics

Gallery Mostaza
Website - https://www.gallerymostaza.com/
Instagram - @gallery.mostaza
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/gallerymostaza

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