Wheel Talk
Ryan Durbin (@rdceramics) & Becca Otis (@5linespottery) share their experiences as potters, makers, small business owners, and creatives. Becca is a full time studio potter, while Ryan is a full time website developer and part time potter. We'd love to share our ups and downs along the way as we build our skills as makers and small business owners in an honest, informal manner. We hope to bring you helpful tips we've learned over the years, learn from each other, and share expertise from a number of guests with you also. Please join us for some Wheel Talk!
Wheel Talk
#232 - What do you look for in a workshop?
Ryan & Becca share insights about what they look for when seeking out workshop opportunities to expand their skills. We also share what valuable takeaways we typically come away with once we’re leaving a workshop.
Join Becca or Ryan at a future workshop they are teaching soon:
Throwing Efficiency with Becca - Jan 10
Selling at In-Person Shows with Ryan - Jan 25
Bookkeeping Workshop with Ryan - Jan 29 & Feb 10
Throwing Oil Bottles with Ryan - Apr 10
What would you do if…
a more famous ceramicist copied one of your designs.
Listener Questions
On this episode:
- What product or what system do you use to package and ship your pottery? I believe I heard Amy Brummond’s episode where both Amy and Ryan mentioned they used the ram pack system. I’ve been looking for a good packaging system and I was wondering where you purchased it. @kevinsceramics
Send us questions so we can answer anything you've been thinking about on a future episode. Send those through Instagram @wheeltalkpodcast or email us at wheeltalkpodcast@gmail.com.
Sponsors - L&L Kilns
The durable kiln that potters trust to fire evenly & consistently. Find your L&L kiln at hotkilns.com
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