Wheel Talk

#243 - Getting better at in-person shows

Ryan Durbin & Becca Otis Episode 243

Ryan & Becca are getting excited about NCECA, which just concluded at the time of this release, before answering a listener's question about gauging the shows they're selling at. Sandrine's in her second year of selling and wants to make sure the shows she's looking into are good fit for the potential customers out there for her. We get into how you should think about the shows you choose, improving little by little by comparing to yourself only, and planning for selling outside your home state regarding taxes. Thanks for listening and best of luck for everyone preparing for the show season ahead!

Listener Questions
On this episode:
1. Last year I kept hearing that sales levels were down compared to past years. It was my first full year so I didn't have the comparison. Do you feel that it was down?
- 2. I've been selling primarily at a farmers market and a few local themed markets (Halloween, Christmas, etc.). This year I'm looking to expand into other venues in hopes to increase my sales. Do you think that juried events tend to yield better sales than non juried? And would arts festivals also be worth it?
- 3. Other markets mean traveling out of state. How do you deal with sales tax?
- Sandrine from @frenchfrogpottery

Send us questions so we can answer anything you've been thinking about on a future episode. Send those through Instagram @wheeltalkpodcast or email us at wheeltalkpodcast@gmail.com.

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