Wheel Talk

#43 - Talking Glazes with Joshua Heim from JH Pottery Works

Ryan Durbin & Becca Otis Episode 43

On this episode, Becca sits down for a chat with Joshua Heim, owner of JH Pottery Works and Gebharts Floral Barn & Greenhouse in Warren, Indiana. We get a glimpse into Joshua's business lately during quarantine before jumping into answering common glaze & kiln issues, while getting into some glaze chemistry. We hope potters from amateur to expert can learn something new from our conversation or have a few laughs along the way.

Some of the topics covered include: pinholes, crazing, witness cones, what is a flux, frits, benefits of bentonite, why purple glazes are so hard to get, decal firing, kiln loading, kiln cool downs, element replacement

Find more about Joshua here:
Instagram - @jhpotteryworks    @Gebhartsflowers23
Facebook - JH Pottery Works    Gebharts Floral Barn and Greenhouse
Website - www.jhpotteryworks.com    www.gebhartsfloralbarn.com
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk1Gg2xtZ5oJimDJIJ3XlSQ

We hope to bring you more of these interview style episodes in the future as we hang out with other makers inside and outside of the clay medium. Thanks for joining us and we would love to hear your feedback or who we should interview next!

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